Michael & Joan's Story
Michael Delamarian III grew up as a P.K. (preacher’s kid) and came to faith in Christ at an early age. His wife, Joan, accepted Christ as her Savior and Lord while in high school attending a church youth group. Michael and Joan both attended Palomar Community College in San Diego. They dated in college and graduate school and were married in 1979. Michael received his Bachelor of Arts degree from United States International University and then his Masters of Divinity degree from Talbot Theological Seminary. Michael served as an Associate Pastor at Christ Community Church in Laguna Hills, CA. for 3 years and then served as the Senior Pastor of the Hydesville Community Church for 37 years. Both churches are part of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Michael and Joan have three children. Their oldest daughter, Adrienne, is married to Josh Payne, and they have four children and serve with CRU ministry at Chico State University. Their middle daughter, Amber is currently working along the Texas state border with immigration and their youngest son, Michael, works as a Teacher’s Aide for Special Needs Children at an elementary school in Fortuna, CA.